Tuesday 23 December 2014

Get More Downlines For Your Business

Running out of names to prospect from your prospect list? Not a single soul contacted you from hundreds of flyers you personally bought and gave away to total strangers? Family and friends asking you to stop pestering them with your opportunity pitch? Worst of all, running out of money to survive your so called business opportunity expenses? Hmmm, sounds familiar. Well guess what? You’re not alone and there is no need to worry because there are solutions.

First things first, let us get this straight and the more you accept this truth the more your networking life would be easier, here it is: NOT EVERYONE WANTS WHAT YOU OFFER, period! I don’t care how excellent your products are or how ridiculously insane your compensation plan pays out. Why? Because EVERYONE is DIFFERENT and they have different NEEDS. That is how things are here on earth and if you’re not happy about it, don’t ask me, ask the one who put us here. You want to know the solutions? Here you go.
Target Your Potential Customers – these are individuals who already have the desires to improve their health and finances. They already have the motivation and interest. If there are people who don’t like what you offer so what? As sure as the sun rises in the morning and sets later in the afternoon, certainly there are more than enough people around the globe who badly needs it. Are you aware that the world got shrunk when the Internet was born? At the click of the button, you would be able to speak with someone located halfway across the globe. So why fret and waste your time, money and effort on those who are not interested? Ditch that scarcity mentality and believe that there is more than enough for everyone. Have an Abundance mindset! Have you considered creating a website for your products and opportunity that will drive people from social media sites to your site? It’s called traffic. Invest in a mentor that will guide you to do this stuff and believe me, they don’t cost a fortune. Google Ann Sieg, or if you’re Pinoy try to search for Eduard Reformina.
Provide FIRST  a VALUE – give something that your customer may use for their needs. Say for example, if you are selling nutrition products, give a free e-book on how to be healthy and what best stuffs to eat. Give genuine concern for their needs so  that you can ESTABLISH friendly relationship and EARN their TRUST. Guess what will happen next if they like and trust you? They will be more than happy to BUY whatever you are trying to sell regardless if these are ideas, concepts, opinions, shampoo, toothpaste or soap, whatever. Put yourself in their place: Are YOU going to buy from someone that you DON’T like? Of course not, not unless you’re running out of air and the only person near you selling a tank of oxygen is your worst enemy.
Take Time and Effort (and also money) To Learn The Skills – You see, solutions mentioned above seems easy but I hate to break this to you, it requires SKILLS. But the good thing about skills is that they can be learned, but only if…..you are willing to get out of your comfy zone and invest in yourself. Find time to read articles on how other people made their way to success, enroll in courses about timely  and effective marketing steps, read books on the psychology behind people’s buying habits. You may be surprised that in this Information Age, most of these materials are even free or available at a very reasonable price.
Attraction /Target Marketing
I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but there is a marketing concept called Attraction Marketing. Using your website and social media, basically this concept teaches how to make customers come to you instead of you hunting them down.  Works like a magnet. Maybe that’s why they call it attraction marketing.
Imagine what it will do to your business if customers themselves are the ones asking about what you offer. No more rejections, frustrations, waste of money, time and effort. And what if you can teach these concepts to your downlines? You see Network Marketing has been around for a few decades and the strategy of making cold calls, prospect listing, giving out flyers effectively worked during those period. But hey wake up, we’re already in the Information Age ! And it’s high time you use Google, Facebook, You Tube and other tools to your advantage.
The old  practice of doing Network Marketing business in our present time is most likely the reason behind why many people cringe whenever they hear the word Network Marketing, it creates a stigma that anyone doing this kind of business are only those individuals who hit the massive brick wall in their career. Where in fact, it would be an understatement to say that there are countless lives that this profession dramatically improved, Network Marketing set many people FREE from the 40/40 nightmare. That nightmare hounding millions of people worldwide, working 40 hours a week for 40 years of your life, and for what? To chase and realize other people’s dreams in expense of yours?
Treat Network Marketing as a profession and be a Professional Network Marketer by learning first the necessary skills. Have you seen any Medical students performing surgical operations for a living? These students invest time, huge money and effort, and hurdle themselves over mind blowing examinations even before they can obtain their title. Are you aware that significant numbers of millionaires are from Network Marketing? The income of  professionals like Doctors et al will pale in comparison with a successful professional Network Marketer yet they invested time, money and effort to learn the ropes of their trade. So, if aspiring Doctors,Lawyers, and Engineers can do this, the question is why can’t you? Besides, learning the skills to become a professional network marketer will not cost you a fortune, and the good thing is that you will be earning while trying to learn.
For further readings, you may want to search The 7 Greatest Lies of Network Marketing by Ann Sieg,  and Pinoy MLM Expose by Eduard Reformino, GoPro – 7 Steps To Becoming a Network Marketing Professional by Eric Worre

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